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Alan J. Schwartz quoted in New York Law Journal Business Development Best Practices on ” Vacations Now and Then “column, which appeared in the July 22, 2022 print issue and on on July 29th.


Alan J. Schwartz quoted in the New York Law Journal Business Development Best Practices article on “Management in the New-Normal Office” column, which appeared in the July 29, 2022 print issue and on on July 22, 2022


Alan J. Schwartz quoted in New York Law Journal Business Development Best Practices column on Intentional Resource Networks Deepen Client Relationships, which appeared in the January 11, 2022 print issue and online on January 8th


New York State Bar Association Journal Article (Nov/Dec 2021 issue) Alan J. Schwartz contributed to COVID-19 and its lasting impact on the legal profession.


New York Law Journal article Alan J. Schwartz contributed to – The Law Firm Impact of Reactions to the Pandemic.


New York Law Journal article Alan J. Schwartz contributed to – Lawyers Focus on Client Care for Clients Facing the Unknown


Article Printed in the ARMED CITIZENS LEGAL DEFENSE NETWORK March 2021 issue Why you need to clean out your gym bag.


2008 article from LI Business News article Alan J. Schwartz contributed to “Interrogation Room with a View.”


Five Minutes with Fried: Episode 21

DWI Laws in NY

Alan Received the 2019 Business of the Year from the Jericho Chamber of Commerce on 6/19/2019.

...a community meeting, a business group without leading out on sports. He is just a go-getter, a person that knows the law. He's a magna cum laude at Hofstra University.


He has high honors in English practice at St. John's University. He's recognized in the District of Eastern and Southern. He's a chairman of the board of the Jewish Lawyers Association in Nassau County.


The list goes on and on and on. But more important, he's a good guy. He's a guy who just gives back.


Some people, the lawyers, they don't give back. They bill them. That's all you see.


You never see them again. Alan Schwartz is a guy who just doesn't stop giving back. He spends more time going to organizations, helping people, helping the community, and making business what it is today.


And that's why he's so successful. And I'm honored here to have him on our board. I'm honored here to have him here today as one of our honorees, as one of the businesses of the year.


Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to introduce to you Alan Schwartz.


Alan Schwartz

Well, I have to say, I'm not entirely sure why I'm up here. As somebody who bills their time at the hour, I'm not going to take up much of your time. I will echo Hamlet, who said that brevity is the soul of wit as well as my colleague, Alan Cohn, from Nixon Peabody, for whom I'm privileged to say that we do a lot of criminal defense work. I own a small law firm in Garden City with 12 lawyers.


We focus on criminal defense as well as residential real estate. And it's a privilege to be among the people who are honored here today. And I hope you all have a great afternoon.


Let me tell you something. Seriously, he is everywhere. Alan Schwartz is just a great, great attorney.

So use his services, meet him, greet him. You'll see him around. He's everywhere.


Thank you, Alan.


Alan Schwartz
As we say in the legal game, the goal is drive fast and carry a big shield.

"Business Profits with CPA Michael Kessler" - 3-5-2016

3-5-2016"Business Profits with CPA Michael Kessler"
00:00 / 21:49

For personalized service from a firm that treats you like family, contact the Law Offices of Alan J. Schwartz, P.C. today.

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